Thursday, May 06, 2004

Racewalking World Cup

The Racewalking World Cup, an Olympic qualifier, was held last weekend in Naumburg, Germany. It wasn't a great series for the US; the highest US finisher was Kevin Eastler, who finished 26th in the Men's 20k (time of 1:22:51, a 6:40 pace!). Here is a photo of the Men's 20k field:

Men's 20k Racewalk World Cup

The eventual winner was Jefferson Perez of Ecuador, bib 140 (yellow singlet and white hat on the right). His time was 1:18:42, a 6:20 pace!!!

Here is a photo of the Women's 20k field:

Women's 20k Racewalk World Cup

The winner was Yelena Nikolayeva of Russia, bib 412, with a time of 1:27:24, an amazing pace of 7:02!

The Russians are very strong racewalkers, taking 5 of the fifteen medals awarded during the cup. Racewalking has a much bigger following oversees than in the US, and unfortunately for the US the results can be seen at world events like this.

Their speed and endurance is just amazing. I wish I could move like that!